Engine and Transmission World is different from many standard parts of the automotive industry. It well and truly is. It’s different because it gives people a way to keep getting use out of their vehicles even after the textbook wisdom says to get rid of it and let it pass on.
Engine and Transmission World is not in the business of rebuilding those parts. Rather, it is in the business of offering those parts used. This is often after the devaluation has been done, thus rendering the used parts perfectly serviceable, and a great deal cheaper in the meantime.
This is true for both engines and transmissions. The engine, by and large, is a fairly robust part that doesn’t require much in the way of maintenance. Provided it is given the proper care, it will outlast the car and not the other way around. But if it needs to be replaced, this is a fine place to do it.
The same for the transmission. Because the transmission has to handle the power of the engine and its regulation, it’s arguably a more robust part since it has to take care of so much more. It is an important part, and rebuilding one or having one built for you can be expensive, exceptionally so. As opposed to a used replacement, which is in general not so expensive at all.
Engine and Transmission World delivers the parts to you, so you can have them installed at your convenience.